Regeneration and analysis of interspecific asymmetric potato –Solanum ssp hybrid plants selected by micromanipulation or fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS)

Recipient protoplasts from three Solanum tuberosum genotypes, cv ‘Folva’ (2n=4x=48), cv ‘Matilda’ (4n) and ‘161 : 14’ (2n), were electrofused with X-ray-irradiated donor protoplasts from two wild species S. spegazzinii (2n) or S. microdontum×S. vernei (2n). Prior to fusion, protoplasts were fluorescence-labelled with either fluorescein diacetate or scopoletin. Fusion products were identified by dual fluorescence and selected by micromanipulation or fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). All putative hybrid plants were analysed by the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique. Our analysis demonstrates that each asymmetric hybrid plant has an individual and stable profile of donor-specific RAPD bands. The irradiation of donor protoplasts hampered the growth of selected heterofusion products in a dose-dependent way. Irradiation resulted in donor chromosome elimination, but not in a dose dependent way, in the tested interval. In asymmetric hybrids with the S. spegazzinii donor 33–68% of the donor-specific RAPD bands were missing, indicating a similar level of chromosome elimination. In asymmetric hybrid plants with the S. microdontum×S. vernei donor 74–95% of the donor RAPD bands were missing. Chromosome countings revealed that these hybrids had chromosome numbers equal to or below the chromosome numbers found in the tetraploid recipients. This is the first time that highly asymmetric hybrid plants between two tetraploid potato recipients and the donor S. microdontum×S. vernei have been obtained.
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