Experimental infection of Black Belly and INRA 401 straight and crossbred sheep with trichostrongyle nematode parasites.

Abstract Compared to INRA 401 lambs reared in France, Black Belly (BB) lambs reared in Guadeloupe (F.W.I.) were highly resistant to both primary and secondary experimental infection with Haemonchus contortus . To investigate this huge inter-breed difference, a nucleus flock of BB was constituted, and experiments were conducted to: (i) confirm this difference in lambs born in France, (ii) check whether it was similar for Trichostrongylus colubriformis and Teladorsagia circumcincta , and (iii) find out whether this difference was age-related. Forty BB lambs, 84 F1 lambs (BB sires×INRA 401 ewes) and 88 INRA 401 lambs born in two cohorts were used in an experimental design involving three host breeds, both genders and two age-groups (3.5- and 7-month-old when first infected). The limited availability of BB lambs made the study incomplete. Infection consisted of the administration of two doses of 10 000 infective larvae of one of the nematode species, separated by an anthelmintic treatment and an interval of 1 week before the second dose was administered. Fecal egg counts (FECs) were done on Days 28 and 35 after each infection; ewe lambs of the INRA 401 and F1 breeds were necropsied, the worm burden was established, the length of the female worms measured and the eggs in utero counted. For H. contortus and T. colubriformis , the FEC was lower in the BB than in the INRA 401 lambs, and the FEC found for the F1 lambs was intermediate. For T. circumcincta , only data for the F1 and INRA 401 lambs were available, and the FECs for these breeds were the same. In all three breeds, the FEC determined after the second dose was significantly lower than that found after the first dose in the ewe lambs, but not in the ram lambs. Infecting the lambs when they were 7- instead of 3.5-month-old significantly lowered egg excretion of both parasites in the F1 ( P Worm numbers in the F1 and in the INRA 401 ewe lambs confirmed the FEC data, many F1 lambs being free of T. colubriformis . The H. contortus female worms were shorter and had fewer eggs in utero in the F1 than in the INRA 401 lambs. A higher proportion of T. circumcincta was at the fourth larval stage in the F1 lambs. In conclusion, the BB breed is much more resistant than INRA 401 to H. contortus , with the F1 lambs being more like the BBs after the second dose. This difference was also found for T. colubriformis and, to a lesser extent, for T. circumcincta .
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