Productividad del sábalo (Prochilodus lineatus) cultivado en estanques con diferentes tipos de fondo

Della Rosa, P.; Roux, J.P.; Sanchez, S.; Ortiz, J.C.; Domitrovic, H.A.: Productivity of "sabalo" (Prochilodus lineatus) grown in different types of pond bottoms. Rev. vet. 25: 2, 126-130, 2014. In Argentina, "sabalo" (Prochilodus lineatus) is the most important commer- cial fishing and subsistence species. However, in the past years the species reached a risk point, which motivated the captive culture driven by various public and private sectors interested in environmental conservation. This fish has a rapid growth, high fertility and rustiness. The aim of this study was to compare culture ponds for P. lineatus with two types of bottoms (concrete vs soil), in order to identify any condition that influence the productivity of the spe - cies. Four hundred offspring, 60 days-old and 26 g of body average weight, fed with balanced food representing 2% of the biomass, were used. Both water and biometric quality variables were recorded periodically, to adjust feed to fish growth. The experiment lasted 340 days. Water physical and chemical quality parameters remained within appropriate values for the species. Analyzed productive variables were specific growth coefficient, total biomass (with significant differences, p 0.05). Results show that the concrete bottom ponds do not allow "sabalo" de- velopment as well as soil ponds do. However, concrete bottom ponds are an alternative for the production of the species which needs further evaluation in order to achieve the maintenance of an adequate amount of organic material that meet the needs of the species.
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