The Effect of Celebrity Endorser on Purchase Intention Cosmetic Product in Millennial Generation Consumers

The use of Celebrity Endorsers has become even more attractive to many consumers, including cosmetic consumers in Indonesia. By using the appropriate celebrity endorser, it is believed that will increase sales and can also reduce the budget for advertising that will be issued by the company. To get the right celebrity endorser, the kit must know what indicators can increase Indonesian consumers' buying interest in cosmetics. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the factors of the source credibility model consisting of attractiveness, trustworthiness, and expertise that have a positive or significant effect on consumer purchases intention by using a questionnaire that has been distributed to the millennial generation who are cosmetic consumers in Indonesia. Likert scale points, the results of the distribution of the questionnaire received a total of 475 respondents, but only 438 questionnaires that could be used in the test. This study was tested using smart-PLS. The results showed that all variables had a positive and significant influence on consumer buying interest in Indonesia.
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