Observation preparation software for LINC-NIRVANA

ABSTRACT LINC-NIRVANA is a Fizeau Interferometer using the two 8.4 m mirrors of LBT in the combined focus. Theimages can be obtained in K, H and J Band over a 10Ž × 10Ž Field of View by means of Multi-ConjugatedAdaptive Optics (MCAO) and a Fringe and Flexure Tracker System (FFTS). In interferometry, the planningof observations is much more tightly connected to the reduction of data than in traditional astronomy. Suchobservations need to be carefully prepared, taking into account the constraints imposed by scienti“c objectives aswell as features of the instrument. The Observation Preparation Software (OPS), currently under developmentat MPIA, is a tool to support an astronomer (observer) in the complex process of preparing the observations forLINC-NIRVANA. The main goal of this tool is to provide the observer with an idea what he or she can do andwhat to expect under given conditions.Keywords: Observing Tools, Proposal Preparation, LINC-NIRVANA, MCAO 1. INTRODUCTION LINC-NRVANA (The L BT IN terferometric C amera and N ear IR /V isible A daptive I N terferometer forA stronomy)
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