A Computer Controlled Device to Facilitate Studies of the Kinetics of Ligand-Binding: Binding of Diazepam to Bovine Brain Membranes

AbstractA device to facilitate kinetic receptor filtration assays is described. The receptor containing membranes and the labeled ligand are placed in two separate syringes and are rapidly mixed into a collecting syringe using a pneumatic ram. Shortly after the start of mixing, a pneumatically controlled valve switches the collecting syringe containing the receptor-ligand mixture to the filtration unit. Filtration is performed on glass/microfiber filters or equivalent by pushing the plunger of the collecting syringe by a stepper motor. A valve positioner controlling several valves allows the filtered membranes to be washed and dried by pressure in any user programmable sequence. Further filtration of the receptor-ligand mixture can be programmed at selected time points. The entire system is controlled by an IBM-PC. With this system, the association and dissociation of diazepam from crude bovine-brain membranes has been studied at 4 °C. The dissociation shows a biphasic pattern with half lifes of 1.3 and m...
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