Fosinopril in a daily single dose in mild and moderate hypertension. Brazilian multicenter study

PURPOSE: To evaluate during 12 weeks the effectiveness and safety of once-a-day fosinopril (10 or 20 mg/day comparative to placebo) in mild to moderate hypertensives according to an open design comparative to placebo. METHODS: One hundred and nineteen patients were studied; 52 +/- 11 years (mean +/- sd) range 18 a 76 years, 86 women and 33 men, 57% whites, 26% blacks and 17% mulattos, 71 mild hypertensives (95 or = 10mmHg. There was no difference in the normalization rates between whites and non-whites, mild and moderate hypertensive, obese and non-obese patients, under or above 50 years of age and those patients from no drug-treatment to those on 3 drug before the study. There was no clinically relevant changes in laboratory evaluations before and at the end of the study. The number of adverse reactions was reduced in comparison with previous treatment. CONCLUSION: Fosinopril, according to our and others data, is effective and safe for the treatment of mild to moderate hypertensives, in whites or non-whites, obese or non-obese, younger or older than 50 years and receiving 0 or 3 drugs before the study.
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