A rare localization of osteoid osteoma - presentation of two cases

Introduction: Osteoid osteoma is a benign osteoid-forming tumor generally localized to the long bones, is rarely localized in the hand and the major symptom is intermittent pain. This study aims to present two patients who were operated on for metacarpal osteoid osteomas. Case Outline: A 16-year-old female patient and an 18-year-old male patient were operated on for metacarpal osteoid osteomas. The major symptom was intermittent pain for both patients. After surgical excision of the niduses, the complaints resolved in both cases. Conclusion: In the case of high suspicion for osteoid osteoma, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging should be performed due to the risk of negative radiographic findings. Surgical excision is curative and a safe method of treatment.
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