Pathologic Lesions of the Budgett Frog (Lepidobatrachus laevis), an Emerging Laboratory Animal Model.

Lepidobatrachus laevis, commonly called the Budgett frog, is a member of the horned frog family (Ceratophryidae), which has become increasingly popular among amphibian hobbyists. L. laevis is also used in biologic research on embryonic development, providing a novel model species for the study of organogenesis, regeneration, evolution, and biologic scaling. However, little scientific literature details disease processes or histologic lesions in this species. Our objective was to describespontaneous pathologic lesions in L. laevis to identify disease phenotypes. We performed a retrospective analysis of 14 captiveL. laevis frogs (wild-caught and captive-bred), necropsied at the NC State University College of Veterinary Medicine between 2008 and 2018. The majority of frogs exhibited renal changes, including varying combinations of tubular epithelial binucleation, karyomegaly, and cytoplasmic vacuolation; polycystic kidney disease; and renal carcinoma. Many of the renalchanges are reminiscent of a condition described in Japanese (Bufo japonicus) and Chinese (Bufo raddei) toad hybrids thatprogresses from tubular epithelial atypia and tubular dilation to polycystic kidney disease to renal carcinoma. A second commonfinding was variably sized, randomly distributed bile duct clusters (biliary proliferation). Other noteworthy findingsincluded regional or generalized edema, intestinal adenocarcinoma, aspiration pneumonia, and parasitism. This retrospective analysis is the first description of histologic lesions identified in captive L. laevis populations, providing new insight into spontaneous disease processes occurring in this species for use in disease diagnosis and clinical management.
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