The influence of intergranular interaction on the magnetization of the ensemble of (CoFeB)x-(SiO2)1-x Stoner-Wohlfarth nanoparticles

We consider the influence of interparticle interaction on the magnetization reversal in the oriented Stoner-Wohlfarth nanoparticles ensemble. To do so, we solve a kinetic equation for the relaxation of the overall ensemble magnetization to its equilibrium value in some effective mean field. Latter field consists of external magnetic field and interaction mean field proportional to the instantaneous value of above magnetization. We show that the interparticle interaction influences the temperature dependence of a coercive field. This influence manifests itself in the noticeable coercivity at $T>T_{b}$ ($T_{b}$ is so-called blocking temperature). The above interaction can also lead to a formation of the "superferromagnetic" state with correlated directions of particle magnetic moments at $T>T_{b}$. This state possesses coercivity if the overall magnetization has a component directed along the easy axis of each particle. We have shown that the coercive field in the "superferromagnetic" state does not depend on measuring time. This time influences both $T_{b}$ and the temperature dependence of coercive field at $T
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