Pemasaran Jasa Pendidikan Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Daya Saing di Era Industri 4.0 Pada SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta

The research aims to determine the description of the marketing characteristics of education services to increase competitiveness in the industry era 4.0 that was applied in SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta, to know how the challenges and barriers of service marketing Education to increase competitiveness in the industry era of 4.0 that was applied in SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta, to know the efforts made to face the challenges and barriers to the marketing of education services. This research includes a type of qualitative research with ethnographic design. Data collection techniques using (1) observation (2) interviews (3) interviews in depth. To ensure the validity of data using trianggulation techniques. The results of this study discussed the subject of the marketing characteristics of education services as an effort to increase competitiveness in the industry era, challenges and barriers as well as efforts made to face challenges and barriers. The research concluded that the marketing characteristics of education services began from planning, market segmentation, school position and differentiation, promotion, marketing mix and marketing model of education services in the era of industrial 4.0. The challenges and barriers faced by schools in the marketing of educational services are competition between school institutions and government policies. Schools strive to always think positively to turn barriers and challenges into opportunities in the face of the challenges and barriers of educational services marketing. The implications associated with marketing education services in the industrial era 4.0 as an effort to increase competitiveness are in marketing education services there are 3 stages of the characteristics of marketing education services in the Industrial era 4.0 that can be done by schools. First, the first thing that needs to be done by schools is to do a school marketing plan before choosing a marketing strategy, namely by doing a market reset to find out what the community wants and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the school to be able to take market opportunities. In the second stage, the school must determine the target of school marketing to place the school position, this is intended to lead to an effective and efficient marketing strategy. The third stage, which is about how schools market schools to the community so that they are right on target and the community can receive school information and schools have competitiveness with other schools. The use of promotional media is tailored to the era, where currently it has entered an era of digital all-out, people need practical information and services. Schools can take advantage of promotional models in the industrial era 4.0, namely using Internet media (websites) and social networks such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp.
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