Glass slide smears and imprints from infected organs for identification of Leishmania major by polymerase chain reaction methods

: The paper presents data showing that the DNA isolated from the smears and imprints of L. major-infected hamsters is suitable for use in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect the causative agent of leishmaniasis. The most solid data have been obtained with the smears unexposed to staining and examination by using immersion oil and to benzene treatment. The DNA isolated from these smears infected may preserve for at least 1.5 months in a domestic refrigerator. The immersion oil-treated smears may be also used to identify leishmanias, but DNA should be isolated from the infected specimens of these smears just before PCR. The original primer pair L-unit/L-mail that has shown itself well in the experiments on cultured promastigotes may be, if required, used to differentiate L. major and L. turanica in the infected material collected from infected rodents.
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