Valoración de las áreas básicas de desarrollo de los niños menores de dos años

The growth and development are progressive, ordered, and sequential processes influenced by maturation contextual and genetic factors. The development is the increase in the complexity of the function and the progressive in the expertise; it is the personal capability and ability to function. The development evolves from the simple to the complex or from isolated to integrated acts. The nurse must know the patterns of development and must be able to early evaluate and identify the retards of the basic area of the development (fine motor, gross motor, social and language) of the children under two. This is about a descriptive, transversal, and observational study. 97 children under two were studied who attended a check at the Clinic of maternal Lactation ?Adolfo Prieto?, information about the basic areas of development was obtained: fine motor (ability to use small muscles), gross motor( dexterity to use the big muscles), social (expertise to attend his/her personal needs) and language (ability to communicate). The instrument of the development evaluation which is included in the Manual of Early Simulation of the Health Office was used; the validity of content was accomplished by a group of Pediatricians, experts in the area. In the descriptive analysis central tendency of proportions and measures were obtained, and in the analytical: frequencies and proportions, Tau-b of Kendall, Chi square of Pearson and a rate of veracity. When 55 children were identified with affections of first, second and third grade, it was confirmed the transcendence that the evaluation of the development of children under two has for the professional of the infirmary. Gomez A. and collaborators (2003) referred to the importance of identifying deviations of the development within the first year of life, since it is possible to achieve a greater degree of rehabilitation, given the cerebral plasticity of the child. It is suggest that the evaluation of alterations of development be performed so that allows the nurse a timely intervention and the normal development of the underage.
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