Scientic and Technological Research Interactions between home care and hospital care during pregnancy and postpartum among low-income women in a maternity clinic in Cartagena, Colombia

a b s t r a c t Introduction: This paper proposes an approach to maternal health from the care process perspective to understand how determinants of health manifest in the daily experience of women. Objective: To describe and analyze the interaction between the domestic and clinical care during pregnancy and post-partum among women who live in adverse socio-economic conditions. Methodology: Qualitative study based on semi-structured and in-depth interviews, partici- pant observation, and analysis of secondary sources. Twenty women who received care at a maternity clinic in the city of Cartagena, Colombia were interviewed. Participants had an average age of 25, lived in adverse socio-economic conditions and had at least one of the following obstetric risks: preterm labor symptoms, previous abortions, or mild preeclamp- sia. Participant observation took place at the clinic and at the residence of four patients. In addition, six in-depth interviews were conducted with health workers of the clinic. Results: The socio-economic conditions of women and their family dynamics determine their experiences of maternity. Relatives, usually other women, are the main agents of care. The most important care activities revolve around physical activities, transportation, nutrition, and exposure to the environment. The characteristics of domestic care play an important role in the clinical environment.
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