INTRAH trip report: Nigeria September 27-November 2 1985 to conduct four "Five-day family planning and oral rehydration therapy update" workshops for nurse/midwives and public health nurses in Plateau and Benue states.

Following the planning and recommendation of the Program for International Training in Health (INTRAH) and the Ministry of Health teams 4 5-Day Family Planning and Oral Rehydration Therapy Update (FP/ORT) workshops were held in Plateau State and Benue State in Nigeria. The objective of the 4 workshops were identical and were successfully achieved as demonstrated by the participants pre/post-test results their participant reaction forms and comments and their active involvement enthusiasm and desire for more learning throughout each workshop. The delivery of family planning and oral rehydration therapy services varies from state to state. It may therefore be necessary to maintain a flexible curriculum which takes into account state resources for co-teaching level of FP services and need for longer training periods. The objectives remain appropriate and the co-trainers will follow up the participating midwives and nurse-midwives. Recommendations include hiring a Nigerian INTRAH consultant--who has participated in at least 1 FP/ORT workshop--along with a US-based INTRAH consultant in order to promote human resources development and institution building. Based on the positive immediate results of the 4 workshops the teams endorse the plans to conduct FP/ORT workshops for direct service-providers (midwives and nurse-midwives) in all other interested states.
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