Колонеобразование у прокариот как проблема инфекционной патологии

It has been observed that the most of share of total volume from suspensions of cell cultures of Bacillus subtillus, Escherichia coli and Mycobacteria tuberculosis is associates and colonies. This has been showed by data of volume and number distributions using laser diffraction. The classification for psudomulticellular prokaryotes has been suggested: 1) Reversible adhesive blending of cells, depend on cell's concentration. This mechanism have been found out in culture B. suhtillis. 2) Ligand-dependent formation of temporary colony in consequence of noncompleted division of cells. This mechanism have been found out in cultures B. subtillus and E. coli. The share of cytoplasm volume of the colonial forms from total volume was 50 % for B. subtillus and 20-90 % for E. coli (depending on strain). 3). Genetic-depending (dependent on species) colonies formation differ from subpopulations. This mechanism has been found in E. coli and mycobacterial cultures. The role of the colonial forms in noneffectivity of cell's immunity and in formation of drug resistance have been discussed.
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