Desafios à transição agroecológica pelo perfil dos estudantes de agronomia: um estudo de caso

This study aims to analyze the profile of the students of the Agronomy course of the FederalUniversity of Vicosa, Rio Paranaiba campus and to relate it to the profile of the agroecologicalmovement. A reflexive analysis of values as predictors of the students’ professional identity andoption, and their inconsistencies with principles and characteristics of agroecology, were carriedout. The data were obtained through a questionnaire applied to the freshmen of the course ofAgronomy of the years 2015, 2016 and 2017. It was observed that 47% of the students opted forthe course through the salary perspective, and only a small portion indicated a less egocentricprofile among the motivations for professional choice. The profile of most of the participants hasimportant disagreements with respect to the principles valorized by agroecology, which representsa challenge to the expansion of agroecological movement, science and practice.
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