A Hybrid Rolling Skew Histogram-Neural Network Approach to Dairy Cow Identification System

In this paper, we propose a hybrid method in which rolling skew histogram and neural network techniques are fused to recognize patterns and identify cows in the milking rotary parlor of dairy farms. Individual cow identification is very important for managing the welfare and health care of an individual cow and developing the body condition scoring system. Although there has some sensor-based cows' identification system, those systems require to attach the sensor devices on each cow which is costly and burden on the cows. Since the proposed method applies a single video camera which is a non-contact device for the identification of many different cow patterns, the proposed system is low cost and no burdens on the cow. In particular, the operation of the system takes place while the cows are in the milking process in rotary milking parlor where the monitoring of individual cow is more effective than some other time and places. The identification process is based on the black and white pattern on the cow's body while moving on the rotary milking parlor. For the detecting and cropping of cows' body region is carried out by using rolling the skew histogram and used for the training process of the deep convolutional neural network. The trained network is employed for the identification of individual cow in the testing process. The experiments are performed on the self-collected cow video dataset which includes around 60 different cow's body patterns that have been taken at the large-scale farm in Oita Prefecture, Japan. The experimental results show that the proposed system is promising with the overall accuracy of 96.3 % and it is very effective and practical for the real-time cow identification system needed for establishing a modern precision dairy farming.
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