Pengaruh Budaya, Sosial, Pribadi Dan Psikologis Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Ekowisata

This study aims to analyze the effect of cultural, social, personal, and psychological on consumer decision in visiting the Malino Highland, Gowa. The population were the visitors of Malino Highland, and sampling technique used purposive sampling, which are the people who visited Malino Highland. A questionnaire was deployed to collect the primary data. The number of respondents that meet the sampling criterion was determined by 150 visitors. The data was measured by multiple regression analysis with the assistant of SPSS software. The results shows that the cultural, social, personal, and psychologal affect simultaneously and partially towards the visitors decision to visit the Malino Highland, Gowa. Psychological variable is the most dominant effect with the value of 0.330. This founding is important for marketing strategy ecotourism to maximizing the value creation to the consumers.
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