A network of scientists under the umbrella of 'Assembling the Tree of Life in Europe (AToLE)' seeks funding under the FP7-Theme: Cooperation - Environment (including Climate Change and Biodiversity Conservation) programme of the European Commission Global Change in an Evolutionary Context: Using Phylogeny to Predict the Future of Europe's Biodiversity

List of participants: Dr. Olaf R.P. Bininda-Emonds, University of Oldenburg (Germany) Dr. Wieslaw Bogdanowicz, Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS (Poland) Dr. Thomas Borsch, Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Freie Universitat Berlin (Germany) Dr. Frederic Delsuc, CNRS-Universite Montpellier II (France) Dr. Alexandre Hassanin, Museum national d’Histoire naturelle (France) Dr. Ulf Jondelius, Swedish Museum of Natural History (Sweden) Dr. Gitte Petersen, Botanical Garden and Museum, University of Copenhagen (Denmark) Dr. Susanne S. Renner, University of Munich (Germany) Dr. Vincent Savolainen, Imperial College London and Royal Botanic Gardens Kew (UK) Dr. Ole Seberg, Botanical Garden and Museum, University of Copenhagen (Denmark) Dr. Erik Smets, National Herbarium of the Netherlands, Leiden University (Netherlands) and K.U.Leuven (Belgium) Dr. Alfried P. Vogler, Imperial College London and Natural History Museum (UK)
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