Comparison of wave-current interaction formulation using the POLCOMS-WAM wave-current model

Ocean processes do not take place in isolation but interact with one another to form a complex system. This paper focuses on these processes by using and developing the POLCOMS-WAM model. The Stokesdrift and radiation stress effect on currents have been included, following state of the art formulations. The system is evaluated in the NW Mediterranean and the Irish Sea. Due to oceanographic properties of the Catalan coast, currents are typically less than 20 cm/s and therefore the modification of waves due to the effect of currents is minimal. However, the wave induced currents, mainly caused by enhanced wind drag due to waves, produce a current of about the same magnitude as the ambient one and thus become an important source of mass transport. For the Irish Sea an improvement of storm surge modelling by considering a wave modified wind stress is presented.
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