How to Construct a 3D Mathematical/Computer Model of the Left Ventricle

1. Background In a great many problems the microscopic structure of matter can be disregarded and a biological body replaced by a continuous mathematical model whose geometrical points are identified with material points of the body. The learning of such models is in the province of the me- chanics of continuous media, which covers a vast range of problems in elasticity, hemodynamics, aerodynamics, plasticity, and electrodynamics. When the relative posi- tion of points in a continuous biological body is altered, we say that the body is strained. The change in the rela- tive position of a point is a deformation, and the study of deformations is the region of the analysis of strain. In this paper, the left ventricular myocardium is taken as a biological elastic body and modeled by mathematical/ imaging techniques (1-8).
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