Alphaxalone activates a Cl- conductance independent of GABAA receptors in cultured embryonic human dorsal root ganglion neurons.

Whole cell and cell-attached patch-clamp techniques characterized the neurosteroid anesthetic alphaxalone’s (5α-pregnane-3α-ol-11,20-dione) effects on GABAAreceptors and on Cl− currents in cultured embryonic (5- to 8-wk old) human dorsal root ganglion neurons. Alphaxalone applied by pressure pulses from closely positioned micropipettes failed to potentiate the inward Cl− currents produced by application of GABA. In the absence of GABA, alphaxalone (0.1–5.0 μM) directly evoked inward currents in all dorsal root ganglion neurons voltage-clamped at negative membrane potentials. The amplitude of the current was directly proportional to the concentration of alphaxalone (Hill coefficient 1.3 ± 0.15). The alphaxalone-induced whole cell current was carried largely by Cl− ions. Its reversal potential was close to the theoretical Cl− equilibrium potential, changing with a shift in the external Cl−concentration as predicted by the Nernst equation for Cl−ions. And because the alphaxalone-current was not suppressed by...
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