Rice Collectors’ Attitude Towards Purchasing of Hybrid Rice in Myanmar

Hybrid rice is one of the most feasible options for increasing rice reproduction and Myanmar has area expansion under hybrid rice production. However, hybrid rice is a very new seed industry but social perceptions are not favorable. The objectives of the study were: 1) to study the characteristics of the rice collectors and their performance on purchasing of hybrid rice, 2) to identify the determinants for changing attitudes of willing to purchase by rice collectors. The study was conducted in Nay Pyi Taw area, Myanmar and used structured questionnaires to collect data from 61rice collectors. Data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics and Likert-type scale. This study revealed that majority 75.4% of respondents were rice brokers and 24.6% of them were miller collectors. Then, 82.0% out of respondents were male and respondents’ average age was 49 years. Next, 72.4% of rice collectors had formal education and 27.9% rice collectors possessed Bachelor degree. Besides, more than half 52.5% of rice collectors were above 10 years buying experience. Majority 91.8% of rice collectors bought above 836 tons in monsoon and over 2090 tons in summer paddy. Moreover, 63.9% of collectors received information to purchase from “hybrid rice seed companies”, less than half of respondents received information from “extension workers”, from “contract farming, from “fellow buyers” and accepted the information of “price less than local varieties”, those points were mentioned as “very important or important”. In addition, majority 82% of rice collectors stated “strongly agreed” or “agree” to the point of “need to grow hybrid rice for rice industry development”, more than half 65.5% of respondents expressed strongly agree or agree to the point of “hybrid rice is more profitable than inbred rice”, 86.9%of respondents mentioned strongly agree or agree to the point of “enhancing quality of hybrid rice varieties”, 70.5% of respondents pointed out to “more milling outcome and avoid chalkiness”, 85.3% of respondents strongly agree or agree to “hybrid rice definitely advantages of outputs and export easily” and 85.2% of rice collectors expressed strongly agree or agree to the point of “ I am willing to pay extra money if it is good in quality. Overall results of this study, rice collectors have desired to buy the unique paddy rice grain shape, color, chalkiness, white belly, and milling performance of grain translucency that drive the price and their decision for purchasing. This study highlighted the areas needed to improve such as establishment of a well-structured research programs to develop new consumers’ preferable hybrid rice varieties, public ICT system for agriculture, and advertising campaign persuaded by extension services and communication channels, marketing system and quality seed control system.
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