Chlorophyll solution in deodorization of advanced carcinoma of head and neck.

The deodorizing action of chlorophyll both in vitro and in vivo has been the subject of bitter controversy. 1 Unfortunately, those instruments available for the study of odor leave much to be desired in terms of the accurate, nonsubjective, quantitative, controlled determination of the deodorizing properties of chlorophyll. This study was intended to evaluate in a relatively controlled manner the deodorizing properties of a chlorophyll-containing solution in consecutive cases of malignant disease of the head and neck wherein odor had become a constant prominent aesthetic problem. In each of these cases the odor was characteristic of the patient and was objectionable to the point that it was unpleasant to enter the room or area of the ward that the patient occupied. METHODS Twenty-seven patients, 26 men and 1 woman, were included in this study. Their ages ranged from 40 to 79 years. All patients were suffering from advanced or terminalcarcinoma,
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