Navigating Muddy Waters: Clearing Waves While Keeping Ourselves Afloat

Background and context: As the oldest cancer-related nongovernmental organization in Malaysia, the National Cancer Society of Malaysia regularly receives proposals for collaborations. While many are mutually beneficial, some are “risky”. Examples include partnerships with fast food companies, health supplements which benefits are vastly exaggerated, or fundraisers being held at bars or pubs. While these campaigns are accepted norms within the region, they might not conform to the standards of more mature markets. As we are expected to promote these activities or products on our digital media accounts, we risk overcrowding our pages, or being perceived as endorsing a product or behavior. Aim: Keeping donors happy while maintaining credibility Strategy/Tactics: The current strategy for NCSM's digital outreach is to focus on education/awareness instead of marketing. Also, we match the campaign's values with that of NCSM when deciding whether to promote it. When promoting a campaign, we stay neutral or person...
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