Variation in wheat (Triticum spp.) landraces from different altitudes of three regions of Turkey

Wheat landrace populations, collected from different altitudes of three regions of Turkey, were evaluated for variation within and among populations. Experimental material consisted of 380 accessions, from nine provinces, in Central Anatolian Plateau and North Transitions. The material was grown at Haymana-Ankara Research Farm of Central Research Institute for Field Crops in 1999–2000 planting season, in a three-meter, two-row-plot trial with three bread and three durum wheat checks. Populations were evaluated for plant height, tillers number, spike length, grains per spike, awn length, thousand kernels weight (TKW), winter survival, and days to flowering. Observations and measurements were performed on five randomly selected plants in each plots. Mean, coefficient of variation (CV), and range were computed for populations from five altitude intervals of 0–399, 400–799, 800–1199, 1200–1599, and 1600–1999 m, and geographical regions. Correlation, principal component (CPC) and cluster analyses were performed later. The highest variation was recorded for awn length and the lowest for number of days to flowering. First three principal components (PCs) accounted for 60.69% of the total variation. Cluster analysis for bread wheat, durum wheat, cultivated einkorn and cultivated emmer grouped the species meaningfully.
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