Penyusunan Masterplan Kampung Purbonegaran Berbasis Potensi Lokal untuk Pengembangan Perekonomian Warga

The limited land in the city of Yogyakarta is often an obstacle in the arrangement and utilization of urban space. This requires a more comprehensive spatial planning involving all stakeholders. Considering this, the Yogyakarta City government developed the Gandeng Gendong program as a means of collaboration with five elements (city, corporation, campus, village, and community). As part of the 5K element, the UKDW Community Service team was involved in implementing the Gandeng Gendong program through the preparation of the Purbonegaran Kampong master plan in Terban Village. The preparation of this master plan was carried out using a participatory design method that involved residents through interviews and focus group discussions. Data were obtained through observation and interviews, which began with the identification of the local potential of Kampong Purbonegaran as a village of culture, v@egetables, and herbs. This activity was carried out for 2 years (2020-2021) with partners namely Purbonegaran Kampong in the first year and thereafter with the Purbonegaran Keluarga Berkualitas (KB) Working Group whose task was to develop welfare in the social and economic fields. This master plan was prepared with a strategy of mapping the potential, problems, strengths, and weaknesses of Purbonegaran Kampong. Thus, the resulting master plan is expected to be right on target. The results of this community service activity are in the form of a master plan containing facilities and infrastructure development programs that are predicted to have an impact on people's lives, including Strawberry Lorong, Belik Kids Learning Studio, Ecology Park, Bamboo Lorong and meeting points, as well as portable kiosks used for entrepreneurship of Keluarga Berkualitas (KB) Purbonegaran.
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