Dermatitis purpúrica por Agave americana: a propósito de un caso

American Agave sap may occasionally produce irritant contact dermatitis. This pathology commonly affects distilleries workers and plantations of this species. It usually presents as a burning sensation, erythema and edema minutes after direct contact. Then, the primary lesions appear, characterized by papulovesicular lesions, linear, with intense pruritus in the exposed areas. It can be associated with fever, diarrhea, myalgia and headache. There is an unusual form of presentation with palpable purpuric lesions, generally associated to the use of chainsaw, due to the high speed entry of the calcium oxalate particles contained in the sap of the Agave, to the dermis. The diagnosis is clinical, with a complementary histopathological study. Currently there are no treatment guidelines, but topical corticosteroids associated with oral may be required if there is significant sistemic compromise.
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