New FDA migration cell used to study migration of styrene from polystyrene into various solvents.

: A new cell was evaluated for studying the migration of components of plastic food packaging materials into various food simulating solvents. Data obtained using this cell to study the migration of styrene from polystyrene at 40 and 70 degrees C are presented. Food simulating solvents tested were: water; 3% acetic acid; 8, 20, 50, and 100% ethanol; corn oil; HB-307; heptane; hexadecane; and decanol. An iterative Basic computer program is described that fits the migration vs time data obtained to mathematical models, based on Ficks' law, yielding migrant/polymer diffusion coefficients (Dp). Dp values determined for styrene migration from polystyrene at 40 and 70 degrees C were 3 X 10(-13) and 4 X 10(-12) sq. cm/s, respectively.
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