Cluster observations of whistler waves correlated with ion‐scale magnetic structures during the 17 August 2003 substorm event

[1] We provide evidence of the simultaneous occurrence of large-amplitude, quasi-parallel whistler mode waves and ion-scale magnetic structures, which have been observed by the Cluster spacecraft in the plasma sheet at 17 Earth radii, during a substorm event. It is shown that the magnetic structures are characterized by both a magnetic field strength minimum and a density hump and that they propagate in a direction quasi-perpendicular to the average magnetic field. The observed whistler mode waves are efficiently ducted by the inhomogeneity associated with such ion-scale magnetic structures. The large amplitude of the confined whistler waves suggests that electron precipitations could be enhanced locally via strong pitch angle scattering. Furthermore, electron distribution functions indicate that a strong parallel heating of electrons occurs within these ion-scale structures. This study provides new insights on the possible multiscale coupling of plasma dynamics during the substorm expansion, on the basis of the whistler mode wave trapping by coherent ion-scale structures.
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