Gene expression pattern Identification of chick frizzled-10 expressed in the developing limb and the central nervous system

We have identified chick frizzled (Fz)-10, encoding a Wnt receptor, and examined the expression pattern during embryogenesis. Fz-10 is expressed in the region posterior to the Hensen’s node at stage 6. Fz-10 expression is detected in the dorsal domain of the neural tube and the central nervous system of the developing embryo. In the developing limb, Fz-10 expression starts at stage 18 in the posterior‐dorsal region of the distal mesenchyme, and gradually expands to the anterior‐distal region. Fz-10 is also expressed in the feather bud and branchial arch. Implantation of Sonic hedgehog (Shh)-expressing cells into the anterior margin of the limb bud resulted in the induction of Fz-10 expression in anterior-dorsal mesenchyme. q 2000 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
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