Les séquelles vélopharyngées dans les fentes labioalvéolopalatovélaires. Véloplasties et pharyngoplasties par lambeau pharyngé à pédicule supérieur ou inférieur

Summary Velopharyngeal insufficiency remains a sequel of labial-alveolar-velopalatine clefts. It may occur despite a good quality primary repair. A surgical management must be considered as soon as speech therapy is no longer efficient or before any irreversible compensatory speech pattern appears. Thus, surgery should be decided on after consultation between the surgeon and the speech pathologist or speech therapist, when considering that speech therapy has failed. Several surgical techniques are discussed: intravelar veloplasty, Furlow double-opposing Z-plasty, pharyngoplasty using an inferior or superior pedicle flap. Superior pedicle flap surgery is currently the most commonly used technique. For the past twenty years we have used this technique as described by Petit and modified by Malek, because of the excellent speech results. The drawbacks are known and can be contained by a preventive management.
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