Indoor air studies of fungi contamination of social welfare home in Czerewki in north-east part of Poland.

Purpose: The contamination of the indoor environment with yeast-like fungi and moulds in social welfare home in Czerewki was evaluated. Material and methods: The concentration of airborne fungi (in front of the building and in the corridors, patient rooms, study rooms, recreation rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, toilets) was determined using SAS-Super 100 (Pbi International). The fungal concentration on walls was assessed using the Count-Tact applicator and the plate Count-Tact irradiated (BioMerieux). Swabs were taken from the skin of the interdigital spaces of feet and hands, nails and the oral cavity of the residents. The fungi from the swabs were cultured on Sabouraud medium. Fungi were identified using standard microbial procedures. Results: Tests of air and walls revealed significant differences in mycological flora in depending on the place isolation (e.g. corridor, rooms, reading room, nurse, room, kitchen, dining room, bathroom) and season (summer, autumn, winter, spring). A significant increase in the fungi isolated from the air and walls in the social welfare home was found, depending on the season. Conclusion: An increase in the fungi isolated from residents was found in relation to the season.
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