Studies on the Role of Lysine and Protein in the Regulation of Lipogenesis by the Turkey Poult

Abstract Two feeding trials were conducted with Large White turkey poults to determine the role of lysine or protein level on growth and in vitro lipogenesis in turkey poults. Basal 23 and 30% protein diets were formulated with corn and soybean meal. Lysine HCl was added to the 23% protein diet in varying quantities. The soybean-to-corn meal ratio was adjusted in another series of diets to increase the lysine and protein levels. Growth and feed consumption were noted as functions of either lysine or protein levels. In vitro lipogensis from alanine, lactate, or acetate was determined in the first experiment, whereas in vitro lipogenesis from acetate was determined in the presence of lactate or alanine in the second experiment. Lysine HCl increased (P
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