Sleep habits and sleep complaints in Austria: current self‐reported data on sleep behaviour, sleep disturbances and their treatment

Zeitlhofer J, Seidel S, Klosch G, Moser D, Anderer P, Saletu B, Bolitschek J, Popovic R, Lehofer M, Mallin W, Fugger B, Holzinger B, Kerbl R, Saletu A, Machatschke IH, Pavelka R, Hogl B. Sleep habits and sleep complaints in Austria: current self-reported data on sleep behaviour, sleep disturbances and their treatment. Acta Neurol Scand: 2010: 122: 398–403. © 2010 The Authors Journal compilation © 2010 Blackwell Munksgaard. Objectives –  To acquire current information on sleep habits, disturbances and treatment options in the adult population of Austria and compare results with previously collected data. Materials and methods –  A representative sample of the Austrian population (women: n = 522, men: n = 478). Results –  Seventy-five percent reported daily sleep-duration between 6 and 8 h. In 76%, sleep latency was <30 min, 15% described difficulties in sleep maintenance. Longer sleep on weekends was prevalent in 54%, 23% took a nap. Concerning sleep environment, 31% reported sleeping alone; the rest had a constant or occasional bed partner. Sleep disturbances such as sleep disruption or prolonged sleep latency were reported by 18%. Predominant symptoms included snoring/apneas (22%), nightmares (22%) and restless legs (21%). Daytime tiredness was reported by 17% and sleepiness by 20%. Twenty-four percent did not take treatment. Only 7% asked for medical help: 96% consulted their physician; 47% tried to change their way of living. Sleep promoting drugs were taken by 7%. Sleep improving measures were: sleep promoters (45%), general measures (20%), consultation of general practitioner (20%), psychotherapy (6%), and technical tools (3%). Comparison with a dataset of 1993 revealed only a slight increase in short sleepers and a slight decrease in long sleepers. Conclusions –  Subjectively reported sleep disorders proved to be relatively stable between 1993 and 2007.
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