Bir Eğitim-Araştırma Hastanesinde Yatan Hastaların Bağımlılık Düzeyinin Belirlenmesi ve Hemşire Sayısının Hesaplanması

Bir Egitim-Arastirma Hastanesinde Yatan Hastalarin Bagimlilik  Duzeyinin Belirlenmesi ve Hemsire Sayisinin Hesaplanmasi Amac:  Arastirma bir egitim ve arastirma hastanesi yatakli kliniklerinde takip edilen  hastalarin bagimlilik duzeylerine gore hastanin gereksinimi dogrultusunda hemsirelik  bakimi verecek hemsire insan gucu gereksinimini belirlemek amaciyla yapilmistir.  Gerec ve Yontem:  Calisma tanimlayici tipte kesitsel bir calismadir. Veriler hasta kayitlarindan  elde edilmistir. Rush Medicus Hasta Siniflandirma Sistemi Skalasi kullanilmistir.  Calisma verileri degerlendirilirken tanimlayici istatistiksel metotlar (frekans, yuzde,  ortalama±standart sapma?) kullanilmistir .   Bulgular:  Calismanin yapildigi ilgili tarihlerde  calismaya katilan kliniklerde bakim verilen toplam hasta sayisi 13906 iken, calisan toplam  hemsire sayisi 310 olarak tespit edilmistir. Calismaya katilan kliniklerdeki yatak doluluk  orani %96.00’dir. Hastalarin %16.23’u bagimsiz, %39.60’i alt duzey bagimli, %32.77’si orta duzey bagimli ve %11.40’u ust duzey bagimli olarak tespit edilmistir. Cocuk kliniklerinde  bakim alan hastalarin %42.71’inin orta duzey bagimli, dahili kliniklerde bakim alan  hastalarin %37.69’unun alt duzey bagimli, cerrahi kliniklerde bakim alan hastalarin  %50.37’sinin bagimsiz, yogun bakim kliniklerinde bakim alan hastalarin %78.91’inin ust  duzey bagimli hastalar oldugu saptanmistir. Hasta bagimlilik duzeylerine gore hastalara  bakim verecek hemsire sayisi 380’dir.  Sonuc:  Bu calismada Rush Medicus Hasta  Siniflandirma sistemi kullanilarak hastalarin bagimlilik duzeyleri belirlenmistir. Kliniklere  gore hastalarin bagimlilik duzeyleri ve hemsire sayilari farklilik gostermektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: (3-5 Kelime):  Rush Medicus Skalasi, hemsire sayisi, insan gucu, hasta bagimlilik  duzeyi. Determination of Dependency Levels of Patients in A Training-Research  Hospital and Calculation of Nurse Count Objective: This study was conducted to determine the nurse manpower requirement  that will give nursing care according to patients’ requirements based on their  dependency levels of whom were followed in inpatient clinics of a Training and Research  Hospital. Material and Methods: The study is a cross-sectional descriptive study. Data  were obtained from patient records. Rush Medicus Patient Classification System Scale  was used. Descriptive statistical methods (frequency, percentage, mean±standard  deviation?) were used to evaluate the study data. Findings: While the total number of  patients who were given care in the clinics participating in the study was 13906, the total  number of nurses working was 310. The bed occupancy rate in the clinics participating  in the study was 96.00%. Of the patients, 16.23% were independent, 39.60% were lowlevel  dependent, 32.77% were moderate-level dependent, and 11.40% were high-level  dependent. It was found that 42.71% of the patients receiving care in pediatric clinics  were moderate-level dependent, 37.69% of the patients receiving care in internal  clinics were lower-level dependent, 50.37% of the patients receiving care in surgical  clinics were independent, 78.91% of the patients receiving care in intensive care clinics  were upper-level dependent. According to patient dependency levels, the number of  nurses to give care is 380 . Conclusion: In this study, dependency levels of patients were  determined by using Rush Medicus Patient Classification System. Dependency levels of  patients and number of nurses vary according to the clinics. Keywords: (3-5 Words):  Rush Medicus Scale, number of nurses, man power, patient dependency  level.
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