Intimate Partner Cyberstalking Scale (IPCS): evidências psicométricas no Brasil

EnglishCyberstalking refers to a pattern of repeated behavior, intentional and unwanted directed at victims. Considering the context of intimate relationships and the role of aggressor, there is a greater involvement of this group in antisocial and criminal conduct, however, such conduct is still little explored in the literature. Therefore, an adequate measure to track the perpetration of cyberstalking will help in understanding the theme in different contexts. In two studies (N=467), the psychometric parameters of the Intimate Partner Cyberstalking Scale (IPCS) were evaluated using different techniques (e.g., Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Item Response Theory), and a short version of the scale proposed. Both versions had a reliable onedimensional structure and had similar correlations with machiavellianism, psychopathy, and narcissism. Overall, the results show that the IPCS and its short version are useful measures for assessing the perpetration of cyberstalking and its correlates in Brazil. portuguesO cyberstalking, refere-se a um padrao de comportamento repetido, intencional e indesejado direcionado as vitimas. Considerando o contexto dos relacionamentos intimos e o papel de agressor, verifica-se um maior envolvimento desse grupo em condutas antissociais e delitivas, entretanto, tal conduta ainda e pouco explorada pela literatura. Portanto, uma medida adequada para rastrear a perpetracao do cyberstalking ajudara na compreensao da tematica em diferentes contextos. Em dois estudos (N=467), foram avaliados os parâmetros psicometricos da Intimate Partner Cyberstalking Scale (IPCS) por meio de diferentes tecnicas (e.g., Analise Fatorial Confirmatoria, Teoria de Resposta ao Item), alem de propor uma versao curta da escala. Ambas as versoes apresentaram uma estrutura unidimensional confiavel e apresentaram correlacoes semelhantes com maquiavelismo, psicopatia e narcisismo. No geral, os resultados mostram que a IPCS e sua versao curta sao medidas uteis para a avaliacao da perpetracao do cyberstalking e seus correlatos no Brasil.
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