BSM - Belgian Society for Microscopy BVM - Belgische Vereniging voor Microscopie SBM - Société belge de Microscopie

BVM - Belgische Vereniging voor Microscopie SBM - Societe belge de Microscopie The goal of the BSM is to promote research and applications of microscopy in Belgium, and to encourage and support interactions between microscopists within Belgium, and abroad. The Society started many years ago as an Electron Microscopy Society, but has expanded its field to include all fields of advanced microscopy, such as Scanning Probe Microscopy, Optical Microscopy, Confocal techniques, and Image Analysis. The BSM is one of the few truly Belgian societies, and both Dutch and French are used; general communications use English as the common academic language. The BSM has about 200 members from academia and industry labs, and ca. 23 corporate members. The BSM organizes meetings, provides support for symposia and workshops, and provides travel grants and awards.
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