Кардиореабилитация при синдроме старческой астении

To date, the rate of cardiac surgeries among elderly patients with significant comorbidities is gradually increasing, thereby proving the need for developing differentiated approaches to the management ofthese patients to optimize the course of the postoperative period. The healthcare systems in the Russian Federation and abroad have focused their efforts to improve the quality and duration of life for the elderly and advanced age patients. Therefore, the diagnosis and prevention of geriatric syndromes, including frailty, is taking on new significance. Recent evidence of the prognostically unfavorable potential of frailty in patients with cardiovascular diseases has emerged the need for precise approaches to the management of this group of patients. Thus, cardiac rehabilitation seems to be one of the effective measures. However, its use is currently limited due to the absence of safe and effective approaches for the elderly and advanced age patients with frailty. The review reports the key results of using cardiac rehabilitation in frail patients who have undergone cardiac surgery. Current limitations are highlighted.
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