Constraining coseismic earthquake slip using Structure from Motion from fault scarp mapping (East Helanshan Fault, China)

Abstract This study uses fault scarps to investigate past earthquakes and the potential seismic hazard of the East Helanshan Fault (EHF). The EHF is a Holocene active normal fault located at the complex transition from compression in the northeastern corner of the Tibetan Plateau to apparently east-west extension in the west margin of Ordos Block, as implied by the Yinchuan Faulted Basin and its boundary normal faults. Repeated normal faulting events, including the 1739 AD event on the EHF, offset alluvial fans of Late Pleistocene and Holocene age and formed remarkable fault scarps, especially along its Suyukou and Hongguozi segments. We selected three fault sections in the Suyukou and Hongguozi segments, where fault scarps of different heights are well preserved on different terrace surfaces. By using Structure-from-Motion-Multiview Stereo (SfM-MVS) techniques on Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) imagery, we acquired high-quality topography of the selected fault sections. Detailed mapping and surveying of the offset geomorphic features and their associated fault scarps, with distinct free faces and multiple slope breaks, suggest that surface-rupturing earthquakes occurred repeatedly along the EHF. Densely spaced cross scarp topographic profiles were extracted to evaluate the vertical slip distributions using newly acquired SfM-derived topography. Through statistical analysis of the displacement dataset, we constrain multiple earthquake events and their cumulative offsets on the Suyukou and Hongguozi segments. Large earthquakes on the EHF produced different characteristic co-seismic slips on the Suyukou segment and the Hongguozi segment of ~ 2.6 m and ~ 1.7 m, respectively. The scaling relationships between the moment magnitude, surface rupture length, and the average co-seismic slip indicate possible magnitudes within a range of Mw 6.8–7.2, and a potential magnitude of approximately Mw 7.4 as an upper bound in the case of a multi-fault rupture along the EHF. This study demonstrates the UAS-based SfM photogrammetry as an effective means for mapping fault zone topography in areas of sparse vegetation, as well as its potential for identifying and measuring subtle geomorphic features associated with past earthquakes.
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