Acquisition of the Long Jump Skill Using Varying Feedback

The aim of this study was to examine the acquisition of the long jump skill in elementary school children using augmented feedback of varying type and frequency. Eighty-eight boys and girls aged (mean ± SD) 11 ± 0.5 years, without any prior experience in the long jump skill acquisition,  were assigned to one of the four study groups: (1) the group receiving only verbal feedback on key errors, (2) the group receiving both verbal and video feedback on key errors, (3) the group receiving both verbal and video feedback on all errors, and (4) the group receiving no feedback. Before and after an 8-week training intervention, long jump distance and relevant kinematic variables were recorded. The results indicated that the group receiving both verbal and video feedback on all errors improved the most in terms of the long jump distance. Varying feedback influenced kinematic parameters differently, as there was no consistent change in the monitored kinematic variables across groups. It was concluded that, when learning a complex motor skill in a typical Physical Education setting, elementary school children are likely to benefit the most when receiving frequent feedback (both verbal and using video analysis, focusing on all errors) in comparison with the situation in which they receive feedback reduced in the type (only verbal) and the frequency (focusing only on key errors). Keywords: bandwidth feedback; kinematics; knowledge of performance; motor learning. --- Cilj ovoga rada bio je ispitati utjecaj razlicitih kolicina i vrsta povratnih informacija (PI) u procesu usvajanja tehnike skoka u dalj kod ucenika osnovne skole. Osamdeset i osam ucenika i ucenica, starosti 11 (±0,5) godina, bez prethodnoga iskustva u treningu skoka u dalj, raspodijeljeno je u jednu od cetiriju skupina ispitanika koje su dobivale PI: (1) verbalno samo na kljucne greske, (2) verbalno i vizualno samo na kljucne greske, (3) verbalno i vizualno na sve greske ili (4) nisu primale PI. Duljina skoka i relevantni kinematicki parametri skoka u dalj izmjereni su prije i nakon 8-tjednog eksperimentalnoga tretmana. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su kako je grupa koja je primala PI, na svaku gresku verbalnim i vizualnim putem najvise napredovala u smislu duljine skoka u dalj. Razlicite kolicine i vrste PI razlicito djelovale su na promatrane kinematicke parametre te nisu uocene konzistentne promjene između grupa. Zakljuceno je kako djeca osnovnoskolske dobi prilikom usvajanja kompleksne motoricke vjestine imaju vise koristi od vecih frekvencija PI (verbalnih i vizualnih na sve greske) u usporedbi s reduciranim PI prema vrsti (samo verbalne) ili frekvenciji (samo na kljucne greske). Kljucne rijeci: kinematika; motoricko ucenje; poznavanje izvedbe; reducirane povratne informacije.
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