Geogenic Arsenic and a Survey of Skin Lesions in the Emet Region of Kutahya, Turkey

Subjects with chronic arsenic intoxication have been found in Emet, Kutahya, Turkey. Geological sources of arsenic within their environmental setting and the dermatological impact have been investigated. In this study a total of one hundred and fifty-three individuals were screened from two villages. An apparent doseresponse relationship between consumption of arsenic contaminated drinking water and skin disorders was observed. People from Dulkadir where the water contained 0.3–0.5mg As per litre had fewer lesions than those from Igdekoy with 8.9–9.3mg As per litre. At Igdekoy 30.9% (33/97) of individuals had arsenicrelated skin disorders compared to 5.35% (3/56) in Dulkadir. The lesions included palmo-plantar keratoses, basal cell carcinoma, plantar keratodermi, plantar hyperkeratosis, pigmented nodular lesions, keratic papules, Bowenoid lesions, hyperhydrosis, verruca plantaris and verruca plantaris and palmaris. Since arsenic carcinomas are often preceded by other stigmata of chronic arsenicism such as...
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