Fitossociologia de uma Floresta Estacional Decídual em Unaí, MG.

Were performed an arboreal inventory of Deciduous Forests fragments in Unai-MG through out sampling of 36 plots of 500 m². The plots made contact with others phygsionomioes and some of then were allocated in areas with human use. All trees with circumference at 1,30 of  soil height ≥ 15 cm  were sampled and subsequently the data converted to diameter. The density, frequency, dominance and value of the importance of the species, besides the estimated richness, collector-curve, diametric classes and dendrograms were calculated. Of the 116 species listed, Myracrodruon urundeuva Allemao , Anadenanthera peregrine (L.) Speg. , Ficus sp. L. e Senegalia polyphylla (DC.) Britton & Rose had the highest values of importance. The Shannon-Weaver diversity index was 3.53 with 1095.55 ind./ha and 24.88m² / ha of basal area. The results indicate a high floristic-structural heterogeneity due to a relationship with other phytophysiognomies and anthropic pressure. These are the main reasons for an estimated high speed (152 species).
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