ICF-Based Analysis of Barriers and Facilitators for Smartphone Usage in an App-Supported Training Program for Health and Well-Being of Older Users

In an integrated cognitive and physical training program for older users (63 and older), smartphones and a new, specially designed app were used to provide digital training elements and to promote social participation. Due to heterogeneous levels of experience with such technologies in this age group, we analyze the barriers and facilitators that influence usage and acceptance. Results of qualitative research confirm varying levels of experience and varying attitudes among the target group, often associated with age-related individual differences. We also found that individual age-related user needs and requirements could usually be satisfied with user-centered support and with enough time for the users to become acquainted with the application. Barriers and facilitators for the use of device and app where analyzed according to the framework of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health of the World Health Organization. Overall, we confirmed that app-supported training programs can be useful tools for health promotion. When developing such app-based programs, it should be borne in mind that older participants may require specific individualized support. This can be time-consuming but is also relatively easy to provide when crucial barriers and facilitators are considered early during development of similar concepts. Peer-based support like “tandems”, where an assigned experienced participant provides supports to a less experienced user, or involvement of younger “digital native” relatives like grandchildren may further reduce resources required for support.
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