Chloride-induced corrosion of steel in cracked concrete—Part II: Corrosion rate prediction models

Chloride-induced corrosion rate (i sub corr) prediction models for reinforced concrete (RC) structures in the marine tidal zone that incorporate the influence of crack width (w sub cr), cover (c) and concrete quality are proposed. Parallel corrosion experiments were carried out for 2¼ years by exposing one half of 210 beam specimens (120 × 130 × 375 mm long) to accelerated laboratory corrosion (cyclic wetting and drying) while the other half underwent natural corrosion in the tidal zone. Experimental variables were w sub cr (0, incipient crack, 0.4, 0.7 mm), c (20, 40 mm), binder type (PC, PC/GGBS, PC/FA) and w/b ratio (0.40, 0.55). The two proposed models (one each for accelerated and natural i sub corr) can aid not only in quantifying the propagation phase, but also provide a novel way to select c, w sub cr and concrete quality.
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