Studies on Acute Phase Proteins of Rat Serum. V. Effect of Induced Inflammation on the Synthesis of Albumin and α1-Acid Glycoprotein by Liver Slices

Liver slices from normal rats and those suffering from inflammation for 24–48 h were incubated with L-[14C]leucine or D-[I4C]glucosamine. Immunological techniques coupled with radioautography indicated that the microsome fraction prepared from slices contained the subcellular site of synthesis of the polypeptide chain of serum albumin, and the polypeptide and carbohydrate chains of α1-acid glycoprotein; both proteins were also present in the medium in labelled forms. The contents of albumin and α1-acid glycoprotein in the medium and in extracts of liver from experiments with liver slices from control rats and 8–72 h experimental rats were determined using the quantitative precipitin technique. There was a net increase in synthesis of both proteins when slices from control and experimental animals were used, the increase showing up in medium proteins. However, slices from livers from 8–72 h experimental rats had a greater capacity for synthesis of α1-acid glycoprotein and a lower capacity for synthesis of ...
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