Crystal growth and magnetic structure of MnBi2Te4

Millimeter-sized MnBi$_2$Te$_4$ single crystals are grown out of Bi-Te flux and characterized by measuring magnetic and transport properties, scanning tunneling microscope (STM) and spectroscopy (STS). The magnetic structure of MnBi$_2$Te$_4$ below T$_N$ is determined by powder and single crystal neutron diffraction measurements. Below T$_N$=24\,K, Mn$^{2+}$ moments order ferromagnetically in the \textit{ab} plane but antiferromagnetically along the crystallographic \textit{c} axis. The ordered moment is 4.04(13) $\mu_{B}$/Mn at 10\,K and aligned along the crystallographic \textit{c}-axis. The electrical resistivity drops upon cooling across T$_N$ or when going across the metamagnetic transition in increasing fields below T$_N$. A critical scattering effect was observed in the vicinity of T$_N$ in the temperature dependence of thermal conductivity. However, A linear temperature dependence was observed for thermopower in the temperature range 2K-300K without any anomaly around T$_N$. These indicate that the magnetic order in Mn-Te layer has negligible effect on the electronic band structure, which makes possible the realization of proposed topological properties in MnBi$_2$Te$_4$ after fine tuning of the electronic band structure.
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