Management innovations for healthcare organizations : adopt, abandon or adapt?

Part 1: Background and Introduction 1. The Relevance of Management Innovations for Healthcare Organizations Anders Ortenblad, Carina Abrahamson Lofstrom and Rod Sheaff 2. Healthcare Organizations and Managerial Innovations in an International Perspective Rod Sheaff, Carina Abrahamson Lofstrom and Anders Ortenblad Part 2: Examining Management Innovations 3. 360-Degree Feedback in Healthcare Organizations Joan F. Miller 4. Accreditation and Other External Evaluations of Quality and Safety of Care and Services: Innovations for Improvement? Marie-Pascale Pomey 5. The Balanced Scorecard in Healthcare Organizations Elin Funck 6. Business Process Reengineering (BPR) in Healthcare Organizations Anjali Patwardhan, Dhruv Patwardhan and Prakash Patwardhan 7. Consensus as a Management Strategy for Healthcare Organizations: Culture, Involvement and Commitment Marie Carney 8. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for Healthcare Organizations Sherif Tehemar 9. Decentralizing Healthcare Mark Exworthy and Martin Powell 10. Empowerment in Healthcare Organizations Nelson Ositadimma Oranye and Nora Ahmad 11. Kaizen in Healthcare Organizations Mark Graban 12. Knowledge Management in Healthcare Organizations Nilmini Wickramasinghe and Raj Gururajan 13. Lean Healthcare - What is the Contribution to Quality of Care? Bozena Poksinska 14. Learning Organizations: Panacea or Irrelevance? Rod Sheaff 15. Management by Objectives (MBO) in Healthcare Organizations Then and Now: A Literature Overview of MBO Limitations and Perspectives in the Healthcare Sector Grigorios L. Kyriakopoulos 16. New Public Management in Healthcare Organizations Dawid Szescilo 17. Servant Leadership in Healthcare Organizations Jack McCann 18. Shared Leadership in Healthcare Organizations D. David Persaud 19. Six Sigma Applicability and Implementation in Healthcare Jacob Krive 20. Sustainability in Healthcare Organizations Tony Huzzard, Andreas Hellstrom and Svante Lifvergren 21. Teamwork in Healthcare Organizations Jan Schmutz, Annalena Welp and Michaela Kolbe 22. Total Quality Management in Healthcare Ali Mohammad Mosadeghrad and Ewan Ferlie 23. Transformational Leadership in Healthcare Organizations Bettina Fiery 24. Value-based Healthcare: Utopian Vision or Fit for Purpose Thomas Garavan and Gerri Matthews-Smith Part 3: Conclusions and Future Research 25. Should Healthcare Organizations Adopt, Abandon, or Adapt Management Innovations? Carina Abrahamson Lofstrom, Anders Ortenblad and Rod Sheaff
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