[Pharmaceutical treatment of stress incontinence. New approaches via a direct effect of duloxetine on Onuf's nucleus].

Urinary continence and voiding are complex physiological processes and require the coordination of all three efferent areas of the nervous system (parasympathetic, sympathetic, somatic). The pudendal nerve contains efferent as well as afferent fibers, the former ones having their origin in Onuf's nucleus. A number of studies see a link in the central modulation of lower urinary tract activity through 5-HT and NE receptor agonists as well as antagonists. Previous information about the modulation of the lower urinary tract in humans has been obtained from animal experiments. Duloxetin, a combined serotonin/norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor may prove to be a new therapeutic agent for stress urinary incontinence. Duloxetin appears to act at the presynaptic neuron of Onuf's nucleus. A phase II and three phase III studies have shown significant and clinically relevant improvement in several parameters in comparison to placebo control. The most frequent adverse event observed was nausea.
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